Chakra Session 1

Breath in

Chant Lam while breathing out

Repeat the above steps a few times

Do Natural breathing for some time

Chakra Session 1

Chakra Session 1

Chakra Session 2

Breath in

Chant Vam while breathing out

Repeat the above steps a few times

Do Natural breathing for some time

Chakra Session 2

Chakra Session 2

Chakra Session 3

Breath in

Chant Ram while breathing out

Repeat the above steps a few times

Do Natural breathing for some time

Chakra Session 3

Chakra Session 3

Chakra Session 4

Breath in

Chant Yam while breathing out

Repeat the above steps a few times

Do Natural breathing for some time

Chakra Session 4

Chakra Session 4

Chakra Session 5

Breath in

Chant Ham while breathing out

Repeat the above steps a few times

Do Natural breathing for some time

Chakra Session 5

Chakra Session 5

Chakra Session 6

Breath in

Chant Lam Vam Ram Yam Ham
while breathing out

Repeat the above steps a few times

Do Natural breathing for some time

Chakra Session 6

Chakra Session 6

Chakra Session 7

Om Chanting

Do Natural breathing for some time

Chakra Session 7

Chakra Session 7
Round Complete

You can adopt Gyan mudra or any other mudra of your choice during the session

Start the session by breathing in and then chant the Chakra sound while breathing out

Again breath in and chant the chakra sound while breathing out!

Repeat for a few rounds.

After that, do Do Natural breathing for some time.

While doing natural breathing, you may sometimes automatically chant om or other sounds or do mudras like Aswini mudra

Do them as per your body's natural flow and complete the session!

Each Round has seven sessions and you can complete one or more sessions each day.

And after completing all the sessions, the round will start again!

The details of the chakra sounds in the sessions are as follows:

Chakra Session 1



Chakra Session 2



Chakra Session 3



Chakra Session 4



Chakra Session 5



Chakra Session 6

All Sounds

Lam Vam Ram Yam Ham

Chakra Session 7

Ajna and Sahasra


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