Users can track their prayer tasks with the help of the prayer page!
There are eight default tasks and eight custom tasks given in the tracker.
Users can track the number of times an activity was done in a month and a year with the help of the prayer page!
The following default tasks are given in the tracker. User can change the task headings if they want:
1 ) Yoga
2 ) Meditation
3 ) Chanting
4 ) Pranayama
5 ) Surya Namaskar
6 ) Book Reading
7 ) Fasting
8 ) Clean prayer items
Users can also track their temple visits, giri valams, charity and donations, important days etc. with the help of this tracker!
An unique url will be generated to access your tracker.
Please save the url to access the tracker.
You can also send a copy of the url to your email!
Users should clean their prayer items like lamps, arti plates, vessels and other items atleast once a month!
Users should try to complete activities like fasting atleast twice a month. Fasting can be for a 12 hours duration and it can either be
a complete fasting routine or a juice fast routine.
Users can follow the ideal routine for them depending on their health status.
Start with juice fasting and if the body is comfortable with it, then try a 12 hours complete fasting routine. Water can be taken during the fasting duration.
Fasting will make a big difference to our mental and physical health!
Users should read religious books like Ramayan, Mahabharat, Bhagwad Gita, Thevaram, Thiruvasagam, Thirupugazhl, Sai Sat charita etc. atleast three times
in a month!
Activities like Yoga, meditation, chanting, praynayama and Surya Namaskar can be done daily.
If it is not possible to do it daily, then users can complete these activities atleast ten times in a month.
Track the number of times the activity was completed with the help of the prayer page!